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Creedence Clearwater Revived 2024

Some pics from gigs of the 2024 Tour

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ABOUT US    Creedence Clearwater Revived

With "CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVED" today we can still enjoy the sound and the soul of the music of "CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL"! 
As people know, "CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVAL" today is only a memory: it was the most representative Californian band of the "on the road" culture in the sixties and seventies; the greatest american band, as one of the most important rock'n'roll group and maybe the only member of "blue collar" in the american history, after "Haight-Ashbury days", and before the coming of punk. 
Though hailing from California, the group was influenced by the swamp genre that came out of south Louisiana. 
But the band split in the early seventies,
Then John Fogerty began a solo career in country music; and came back to rock and CCR hits.

"CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVED" was born, dedicated to a legendary period and to the inimitable repertoire of CCR, leaded by the virtuoso guitarist Johnny "Guitar" Williamson (member of Titanic, the band of the worldwide hit "Sultana", that shared some venues with CCR in the last period of Creedence). Spencer Davis, Steve Cropper, Animals. 
So now "CREEDENCE CLEARWATER REVIVED" make the audience living and feeling again the epic success of CCR. 
This group performed many gigs in Germany, Holland, Danmark, Sweden, Norway, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, and Italy, everywhere in front of enthusiastic audience. 
They play a setlist dedicated to the legendary CCR and to Fogerty Brothers, including every classics of Creedence: Proud Mary - Bad Moon Rising - Have You Ever Seen the Rain - Green River - Down on the Corner - Lodi - Fortunate Son - Run Through the Jungle - Put to Spell on You - Susie Q - Who'll Stop the Rain - I Heard It Through the Grapevine - Hey Tonight - Cotton Fields - Long as I Can See the Light - Molina  and many more ...


Today's line-up


Johnny “Guitar” Williamson (guitar)


Wally Day (drums)
Chris Allen (bass guitar)
Bernard Southern (vocals - guitar)


Die Creedence Clearwater "Revived" haben es nach fast dreißigjähriger Tournee noch heute geschafft, die Klänge und Atmosphären der Creedence Clearwater Revival-Band (gegründet von den Brüdern John und Tom Fogerty zur Zeit von Woodstock) um die Welt zu tragen ) dass alle Rockfans wissen, dass sie zu wenig durchgehalten haben und nach Meinung vieler die größte amerikanische Band für Singles sowie die repräsentativste der "on the road" -Kultur der 60er und 70er Jahre sind, die sich leider auf dem Höhepunkt des Erfolgs durch die künstlerische Trennung der beiden Brüder / Führer aufgelöst hat. Wenn John eine brillante Solokarriere in der Country-Musik begann (bis auf die jüngsten größten Erfolge), war sein Bruder Tom stets bestrebt, die Klänge mit einer Band "wiederzubeleben", die Erbe der JRC war, doch 1990 starb er vorzeitig. wegen einer unheilbaren Krankheit. Toms Wunsch, die Atmosphäre und das Prestige von Creedence irgendwie wiederzubeleben, erfüllte sich praktisch kurz vor seinem Tod mit der Geburt von Creedence Clearwater "Revived" unter der Leitung des virtuosen Gitarristen Johnny "Guitar" Williamson ( bereits Mitglied der legendären Titanic von "Sultana", die manchmal die Gelegenheit hatte, die Bühne mit den JRCs und anderen Größen zu teilen) und so fand Tom Fogertys künstlerischer Wunsch eine Zukunft. Williamson hat mit anderen großartigen Musikern der 60er und 70er Jahre gespielt, wie Spencer Davis, Steve Cropper, Animals. Noch heute, nach fast dreißigjähriger Tournee, kann Creedence Clearwater "Revived" die Klänge und Atmosphären der CCRs auf der ganzen Welt in die Welt tragen und hat in den letzten Jahren zahlreiche Konzerte auch in Europa hervorgebracht, die überall aufregend sind öffentliche Besuche (in Deutschland, Holland, Dänemark, Finnland, Schweden, Norwegen, Russland, Tschechien, Polen, Slowenien, Kroatien, Montenegro und natürlich in Italien). Die Band spielt alle "Klassiker":

Proud Mary – Bad Moon Rising – Have You Ever Seen the Rain – Green River – Down on the Corner – Lodi – Fortunate Son – Run Through the Jungle – I Put a Spell on You – Susie Q – Who’ll Stop the Rain – I Heard It Through the Grapevine – Hey Tonight – Cotton Fields – Long as I Can See the Light – Molina....

Die derzeitige Ausbildung umfasst: Johnny "Guitar" Williamson (Gitarre) Wally Day (Batterie) Chris Allen (Bas s) Bernard Southern (Hauptstimme - Gitarre)


I Creedence Clearwater "Revived" ancora oggi, dopo ormai circa trent’anni di tournée, riescono a portare in giro per il mondo i suoni e le atmosfere dei Creedence Clearwater Revival, band (fondata dai fratelli John e Tom Fogerty all’epoca di Woodstock)  che tutti gli appassionati del rock sanno essere durata troppo poco e, a detta di molti, la più grande band americana per quanto riguarda i singoli, oltre che la più rappresentativa della cultura “on the road” degli anni ’60 e ’70, la quale si sciolse malauguratamente all’apice del successo, per la separazione artistica dei due fratelli/leader.  

Se John intraprese una luminosa carriera solistica nella musica country (salvo poi tornare, di recente, ai greatest hits) il fratello Tom fu sempre desideroso di far “rivivere” i suoni con una band che fosse erede dei CCR, ma nel 1990 morì prematuramente, a causa di un male incurabile.

Il desiderio di Tom di far in qualche modo rinascere le atmosfere ed il prestigio dei Creedence venne praticamente esaudito, poco tempo dopo la sua scomparsa, con la nascita dei Creedence Clearwater “Revived”, sotto la guida del virtuoso chitarrista Johnny “Guitar” Williamson (già membro dei mitici Titanic di “Sultana”, che ebbero modo di condividere talvolta il palco con i CCR ed altri grandi) e così il desiderio artistico di Tom Fogerty trovò un futuro.

Williamson ha suonato con altri grandissimi della musica degli anni '60 e '70, come Spencer Davis, Steve Cropper, Animals.
Ancora oggi, dopo ormai circa trent’anni di tournée, i Creedence Clearwater “Revived” riescono a portare in giro per il mondo i suoni e le atmosfere dei CCR e negli ultimi anni hanno dato luogo a numerosissimi concerti anche in Europa, entusiasmando ovunque il pubblico accorso (in Germania, Olanda, Danimarca, Finlandia, Svezia, Norvegia, Russia, Rep. Ceca, Polonia, Slovenia, Croazia, Montenegro ed, ovviamente, in Italia).
La band suona tutti i “classici“: Proud Mary – Bad Moon Rising – Have You Ever Seen the Rain – Green River – Down on the Corner – Lodi – Fortunate Son – Run Through the Jungle – I Put a Spell on You – Susie Q – Who’ll Stop the Rain – I Heard It Through the Grapevine – Hey Tonight – Cotton Fields – Long as I Can See the Light – Molina e tante altre...

La formazione attuale prevede:

Johnny “Guitar” Williamson (chitarra)

Wally Day (batteria)

Chris Allen (basso)

Bernard Southern  (voce solista - chitarra)

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